Friday, 12 August 2016

Article by Ayoob Rajper

Article by Ayoob Rajper

Pak Turk Schools and the future of Pakistani students

When governments or individuals are bent upon doing every possible negative thing, to expect that they will ever think of doing something good is being unfair to oneself.
The coup in Turkey on 16th July was weird. Weirder still is the reaction that has emanated from Erdogan. He’s closing down everything that moves. He’s even closing down the schools. Really weird.
Let’s leave beating about the bush aside and come to the point. Turkey has asked Pakistan to wrap up PakTurk Schools.
PakTurk school chain was established in 1995. The chain consists of 28 schools which are teaching 10000 students. 1500 employees are earning butter and bread from the schools. President Erdogon has closed 140 media channels and educational institutes in Turkey. He has shut down many welfare institutes run by Gullen. He has thrown many army men, journalists and students into jail. All this was done to purge Turkey of Gullen influence.
Turkey expects Pakistan to wrap all this up and send the students and employees home. What will Pakistan do? One can only fear.
Turkey thinks that PakTurk schools are influenced by Fethullah Gullen, a spiritual leader in exile who Turkey thinks was behind the failed coup. Turkey thinks its democracy is in danger due to these schools. Now what harm can a matric student studying in Jamshoro cause to Turkish democracy? It’s like you jail someone who was carrying a Khushwant Singh book and you feared he was an ideologue running the Khalistan movement. Common sense was never so extinct before.
Pakistan has already its own bag of problems to deal with. Terrorism has snatched Pakistan of its sleep and it’s doing everything to uproot it. Schools are one of the decent ways to rid the country of extremism. Now the country is being urged to close down the very schools.
PakTurk chain has clearly disowned Gullen’s influence. It says even if there has ever been any Gullen influence, it was for the betterment of education. It has no religious or political aim currently. It’s saying it has nothing to do with Gullen now and its only task is to provide education, and education alone. If PakTurk schools are closed, it will not only earn Turkey bad name, it’ll also cause Pakistan many problems so for as education is concerned.
A PakTurk official recently said that it was hard to understand as to how and 87-year-old exiled Gullen could cause any trouble for Erdogon.
Who is gullen? ,who should be erdogoen?non of pakturk'sstudent is concernt with their bussness .but the fate is not cordial always ,sometime state have to stand and face the  situation for the sake of political intrests and the pressure of effected country .

It would be embarrassing of the schools are closed. It would be too unfair to play with lives of so many students and employees. Someone should narrate the real story of a Japanese railway station (Kyu Shirtakai Station) where the whole train used to pick and drop the one and only student. Imagine a train commuting just for a single girl. Developed are those who have put in everything for education, and miserable are those who have turned their back to it.

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