Monday, 22 August 2016

feature by Hammad Zubair

Only proper noun is capitalised, not words like Skill ,  Educated etc            
               ENGLISH MEDIUM

  Who has luxurious life in this Era?
     Educated or Skillful people!!!                       
     The 21st century, the century of modern technology, where we can communicate to each other without having walkie talkies. The King century of all centuries for technologies like mobile phones, 3D projectors, whatsapp from which we can communicate without having problems. The dispute is who discovered these inventions Educated people or Skillful people? Education is the weapon from where we get informed about world and its things but Skill is the working material of that information which we get from Education. If we see towards china then every technology is being invented there nowadays, another question arises here Chinese people are more Educated or Skillful? People of China say that we are the biggest marketers in the world and we will close every market by launching our product and the lock which will be used to close of every market, will be of China. The market has changed drastically for skilled people. There is a growing demand for skills, particularly specialized skills. Skillful people require additional skills or education. Very highly skillful people may fall under the category of professionals, such as doctors and lawyers, and in the low category there are electricians, computer operators, administrative assistants, law enforcement officers and financial technicians

        In the human society, every person seeks the better job for better life and its style. Firstly, human tried to fulfill their basic necessities then they went ahead to luxurious life. Human used to live in the caves then they built houses of wood to live, now these houses have turned into stone-made houses. Human has also introduced the banglows and cottages for fat cats and for their fulfilling wishes of luxurious life. If we see towards luxuries, so there are many things in our daily life which must be transformed cheap to expensive like bike into car, house into banglow, salary paid in cheques and many more. Educated people keep their standard in luxury but it is hard to maintain. After many surveys Educated people are found 60% and skillful people are found 40% to spend luxurious life in this era. Educated people earn money with the sincerity of their profession as same as skillful people do, but sometimes skillful people want to earn much money for the sake of keeping their standard well, and in this matter they try everything to earn as good as they can whether it is koshar or inkoshar. Skillful people are called to be businessman in this era because after learning skills they go through to do their own businesses for the sake to earn better so they launch their businesses. They usually apply legal way to earn but sometimes they also apply illegal way to earn. Educated people have many ways to defeat their mistakes. They sometimes accept their mistakes on the time. Educated people know the beauty of world and from that thing they usually go on world tour but skillful people have less time to arrange these types of arrangements in their lives because of businesses of their job or business. Educated people have partial job to be done in their lives and they spend their time in surveying their or other countries situations. 

   Educated people have to study more in their childhood for becoming something in their future lives but (it is not decided that they will become Educated or Skillful in their lives) skillful people have much hardships from the beginning of their career till the end of their career. Educated people have less salary package to tackle their regular basis expenditures, whether they are earning well or less but skillful people have more chances to earn better from their jobs, businesses and other part time jobs. In businesses there are many chances to earn better but skillful people have to leave their relaxation time, siesta, sleeping at night, waking up late in morning and many more relaxations in their lives because they have come to know to live with luxuries, so they have to earn better. People of education promote sincerity, edicates, information about old things and the most important thing to be patriotic with their country. People of Pakistan are being known as educationist in their own fields like after clearing the most important CSS Exams they are posted to another countries of their own country’s embassy to promote their own country in better way but skillful people don’t get chance to present their own country because they don’t have degree to show but if they are talented so it is not also entertained to present their level on the international level because of not having degree. Education is most important in every field because Education is the weapon to tame firstly ourselves then world. Education is the key to face anything without losing the temperament.

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